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The Tulip Painting

This week I did something a wee bit unusual for me. I cracked open some acrylic paints, grabbed a blank sheet for my canvas, and set to work. Creating some art that only a mom would call a masterpiece, but that showed part of my heart nevertheless.
If you look closely [some imagination required] you’ll see a bunch of tulips in an overly large vase.

I don't even like tulips.
{I mean, in Pella I put up with them only because it means Smoky Row too.}


Why tulips then?

Tulips are originally grown in cold-winter climates, but often they are exported to other regions [i.e: Pella, Iowa]. When they are planted outside of their natural environment, the seed has to be placed around 8 inches further down to protect from harsh weather.
So, to answer "why?" I too have been “exported” to Cambodia, and placed in an unusually harsh climate. This atmosphere requires me to be deeply planted for survival in the middle of the winter season.
The weather is harsh and its fire burns hot, yet I can rejoice in it. I have been protected from the difficult elements because His love is the soil that keeps me safe. Wrapped in His love, and surrounded by His joy that pours out of it.  

This Advent season I am properly in awe – again – of Christ’s seed that came down in all humility. Fully human, knowing and living through our pain, so we could be planted in Him.
What about you? Are you finding yourself barely hanging onto life during this season? Dig into the Lord deeper so that in the middle of harsh realities His beauty will move your heart to praise. 


  1. Merry Christmas! God loves You! May His nearness be ever evident to you as you go about His day, as it says in psalm 139 His thoughts toward us are more numeral than the sands and when we wake He is with us. Love ya!
    Carole Sprague

  2. This is awesome Heather…. I love how God speaks to us in the little things: painting, running, cooking, etc. Often the things that are therapeutic.

  3. Been praying for you and was happy to get this update. The thought you shared through your painting is truly special. Indeed God does take us deeper as we allow Him to work in our hearts. Trust you have a wonderful Christmas celebrating Christ’s birth!! God is great! Bless you.

  4. Heather,
    It was good to hear from you. I am sure this holiday season will be somewhat different without your immediate family close by. I had no doubt you were a tulip, firmly planted. Continue to nurture so you will bloom year after year:)

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